Follow My Journey...
My name is Ramiro Ramirez, managing real estate broker, consultant and trainer; and over the last quarter of a century I’ve helped thousands of real estate agents close millions of dollars in sales by optimizing their results with my software and systems.
As the creator of Real Estate Power Tools and Creation Source Software, I’ve gained the ear of the best trainers, agents and movers in the industry; and I’ve leveraged those connections to continually improve upon my systems.

If you’re looking to grow your real estate practice exponentially and END the PAIN associated with finding new clients after every single deal; I have something really special for you. I help real estate professionals increase production exponentially without cold-calling, door-knocking or sitting at the floor-time desk.

"END the PAIN of finding Clients"
- Ramiro E. Ramirez - 
Phase 1:
Creation Source Software
I help real estate professionals increase production exponentially without cold calling, door knocking or sitting open houses ; by leveraging intent based marketing. We create state of the art software to leverage the channels where prospects are already spending a majority of their time: SOCIAL MEDIA.
Buyers, Investors, Sellers, FSBO’s, Expireds, & even your competition will be looking at you for Answers. Solutions. Results. 
NOW: YOU ARE THE EXPERT who brings these ANSWERS, these SOLUTIONS, & these RESULTS. 
Phase 2:
Real Estate Power Tools
I design dynamic Real Estate Marketing Presentation Tools that eliminate all competition! By enrolling in my program; you’ll receive custom-made video presentation display screens that will send your organic marketing results through the sky! You'll enjoy the process of unleashing modern technology to create a custom made, all-encompassing marketing solution designed to target your specific Niche. (FSBO, Expired, Investor, VA Buyer, 1st Time Buyer, Seller, etc.) 
You’ll own the hardware and have access to all the systems, tools and scripts that will scale your business exponentially!
Phase 3:
R E R Exclusive Insider
This is where we will generate a residual income that will fuel your marketing ad-spend; creating the perpetual-growth cycle of your business. Real estate agents are spending way too much money on marketing techniques that no longer work.
 And they're struggling; relying on yesterday's technology to rescue them. My exclusive inside clients are scaling their businesses exponentially and learning how to create multiple pillars of income for themselves along the way.
My clients are exploiting today's cutting edge technology to eviscerate any competition left. For more than 15 years Real Estate Power Tools has been creating innovative marketing systems for the real estate industry and now; you too can unleash this unfair advantage.    
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